Sunday, 1 March 2009

Remember You're A Veggie

Better sleep last night, but then you can't get that much more unsatisfying than the four hours of yesterday, which was the sort of slumber Mrs Thatcher famously got by with during her daily routine of ruining the country. But then she was barely human; at least certainly less human than me. I need between six and eight hours else I become a semi-functioning grizzle struggling to cope with migraine symptoms. So last night I was in bed by midnight, must have been asleep by one, and was up a little after nine. I cannot, however, claim to be suitably refreshed, as evident when I offered the incorrect chip & pin card to the preteen (or so it seemed) serving me in the local supermarket this morning, which I'd nipped into after visiting work very briefly to do an hour's tidying up of some documentation. I rabidly insisted I was putting in the number correctly, even on the third try when the machine vomited my card across the supermarket floor and told me in a steely voice that my PIN was now blocked. Had to use a credit card instead. It was only when I was home, had packed away the shopping, had made myself two fried eggs on fried bread for breakfast, and was enjoying a large mug of coffee with the new edition of Total Film that I realised I'd used the wrong card completely (I'd used the one from the bills account, not the one from the disposable cash account).

After one hour's housework (with Colin lending a disgruntled and world-weary hand) I was feeling a bit ill. All washed out, stressed and sucked dry of energy like a pretty maiden who's just enjoyed a quick nibble on the neck from someone with suspiciously pointy incisors and a hairstyle based on Ray Reardon's. And yes, again, I am showing my age in that I can remember who Ray Reardon is. Plus the fact I have to have a bit of a sit down after barely an hour's housework. I currently feel like I'll be sucking Wether's Originals and securing my belt about an inch beneath my nipples within a fortnight. I'm hoping it's just my body winding down a bit after a handful of days without alcohol or meat. And the lack of beauty sleep.

Speaking of meat, had a slightly embarrassing moment in the Thai restaurant when I perused the menu for a perhaps inappropriate length of deliberating time and made my selections. Then had to call the waiter back as I'd ordered meat dishes, and of course I am currently a Lent vegetarian (today has been a day off so I temporarily reintroduced my palette to red meat with a saliva-overflow inducing cooked breakfast this morning) and changed all my orders to vegetarian ones. I ended up with a vegetarian coconut curry, which I don't now think was the wisest choice I've ever made, but it was pleasant enough.

Lian didn't say much throughout the meal. I'd hope she didn't think it was a case of her potential father-in-law (not that I am in any way her potential father-in-law as Gabe and her are only fourteen, or at least Gabe will be in a few weeks) running a qualifying eye over a potential bride for his precious son, as this certainly was not the case, which is why I insisted in Lukas coming along to make up a family foursome, as it were. I suppose the day will soon arrive where Gabriel and Lukas will want nothing to do with me (I think Andrew is largely a member of that club already, although he pretends not to me), so it's nice they still consider me someone worth wasting some leisure time with.

We had a laugh - I think that's the best desciption of the (early) evening. Naturally, Lukas likes an audience whom he can beguil and bewitch via the power of personality. Lian laughed politely at his jokes and most of his antics, but even she was struggling after an hour or so of jollity, so I calmed Lukas down and suggested he spare us from further jokes. He barely spoke for the rest of the night, but I think it was worth it to stop my sides from - ahem - splitting.

Lian didn't say much, despite much prompting from yours truly. She certainly didn't initiate any of the conversations, and every time I asked her a question she just game me a reply that was perfectly polite but hardly bulging with information:

Me: How are you doing at school?

Lian: [Smile] I am doing well, I think.

Me: Have you given any thought to what you want to do when you leave school?

Lian: [Smile] My family expects me to attend University, and I am happy to do so.

Me: And after that?

Lian: [Smile] I am keeping my options open, so have not given it that much thought.

Me: Once you and Gabriel are married, how many children do you think you're going to pop out?

Lian: [Smile] We have a tradition of large families, so I am hoping for between eight and ten.

Gabriel: What a what?

Okay, so I'm making the last one up, but I was tempted. I don't think I did anything to embarrass Gabe, or Lian, even though as a father, it was my duty to do precisely that. I did show the photo of all three boys I keep in my wallet, the one where Gabe is about seven, which Lian looked at politely (of course) before handing it back with a smile (of course). I'll be keeping the big guns - such as the video of Gabe at the age of four head-banging to Smells Like Teen Spirit wearing nothing but a cowboy hat and boots - for later years.

In conclusion, an oddly successful early evening. Gabriel seemed in a positive mood for the rest in the night, so I guess the whole thing met with his approval. There won't be an immediate repeat though, my wallet cannot take these £70 hits that often.

So finally, I've been on a date with a female! I wonder if Tuesday'll go so easily?

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